Data science has its roots in many topics among which is deep learning, one of the most important of the lot. Deep learning, also known as hierarchical learning or deep structured learning, is one of the main branches of data science. It is one of the growing fields and its discoveries are numerous. Deep learning has been implemented in various areas like speech recognition, computer vision, audio recognition, machine translation, drug design, bioinformatics, material inspection and machine translation. Some of the main applications of deep learning are listed below:
- Automatic speech recognition:
It is one of the most successful areas in deep learning. It converts spoken words into computer texts. This has made work easier for mobile phones, military, security appliances and electronic gadgets. ASR can be used for biometric purposes by providing authentication to users based on their voice. Some procedures have to be followed until the gadget is able to recognize your voice. For this purpose, the user has to train the system by storing their vocabulary and speech patterns into the system. In this manner, the device creates a wave file based on your notes of speech. This wave file is cleaned by ignoring the background noise and normalizing the volume. This filtered wave is then broken into phonemes. ASR uses statistical probability to deduce phrases and sentences into simpler letters and sounds. Also, check out these Data Scientist Courses in Hyderabad to start a career in Data Science.
- Image recognition:
. Computer perceives the image of an object in the form of pixels. Image processing algorithms are used to understand visuals and analyze from a given image. Few basic algorithms used in image recognition are speeded up robust features (SURF), Scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT), linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and principle component analysis (PCA). Become a Data Scientist with 360DigiTMG Data Science Certification Courses in Bangalore. Get trained by the alumni from IIT, IIM, and ISB
- Natural language processing:
Since the early 2000s, neural networks have been implementing their models. LSTM has helped in improving language modeling and machine translation. Various important techniques involved in this field are word embedding and negative sampling. Deep learning takes the help of neural networks to provide accurate results and increase computational work.
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- Healthcare:
Deep learning has helped doctors understand diseases better and medical treatments required. It has showed immense help in the health care section by providing medical professionals with the best opportunities in data. It has helped them with the discovery of numerous drugs and their development. Medical imaging techniques like ECG, MRI scans, CT scans are used to diagnose horrendous diseases like brain tumor, heart attack, cancer, tumor, etc. It can also be used to detect fraud claims on medical insurances. Alzheimer’s disease can be detected in its initial stages with the help of deep learning. Want to learn more about data science? Enroll in the Best Data Science Training institute in Chennai to do so.
The combination of deep learning, data science and artificial intelligence have created marvelous inventions and more of such are yet to be discovered. Deep learning has enhanced customer service and provide an interface between customers and data.
Resource box: With proper training and guidance, anyone can ace at data science course that includes major topics like deep learning, machine learning, R programming and much more. To get the best out of it, join 360DigiTMG for data science certification.
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